Friday, July 15, 2016

The best but most tiring, stressful, and busiest day of my life

It's been a very long time since the last time I posted here so please forgive me if this post is just all over the place.

APRIL 15, 2016

The date of my wedding.

Like the title says, although it was one of the most tiring, stressful, busiest days of my life, it was also the best day of my life. I mean, I got married to the love of my life so why wouldn't it be?

Let's start at the beginning though.

Since our wedding was just a civil one(still working on getting on that eternal status, but hopefully soon), we wanted to keep it as lowkey as possible. Not because we were embarrassed or anything like that but because we were and still are planning to have a big celebration once we get sealed. As you can guess, seeing as we are polynesian, our families weren't a big fan of that. When I say our families, I mean mostly my family. I don't blame them of course. They just wanted the best for me and Kovi and didn't want me to regret not having anything. I'll admit, it was probably one of the hardest times I had in my life because I didn't realize until then how much of their opinion matters to me. Also, how much of a people pleaser I really am...or was. My older siblings and mom wanted to have a dance and they said they'd take care of everything but how could they? They lived all the way in Utah. So that wasn't very reassuring to me.Besides, Kovi and I had already decided on just dinner after the ceremony. With just our families.

That wasn't the case of course and it turned out a lot bigger than we had expected or planned..but compared to usual polynesian weddings, it was still small. Does that make sense? 

Anyways, going on....

So after much discussion with my mom, we decided to get our marriage certificate literally the day of our wedding because we had scheduled our wedding on friday and our families from out of town weren't going to be arriving until thursday night or friday. That was probably one of the worst decisions ever mainly because after, I had to rush and get ready for our ceremony but I don't regret anything.

Us in our tongan wear

Earlier in our engagement, I remember talking to my mom and telling her that I wanted us to dress in the tongan traditional wear for when we go to get our marriage certificate. You can guess my excitement when my step-grandma arrived with my grandpa with my puletaha and me and Kovi's taovala's. I will forever be grateful for her and my mom and my aunties that made it possible for us to wear the tongan clothes. 

Having my mom and step grandma get me ready that morning, it was still kind of surreal to me that I was getting married. That me and Kovi were getting married. We had been together for 4 years already so this was a bit long overdue in my mind. I had been wanting to marry this man. It didn't really hit me until we actually got inside the office to get our marriage certificate. I was shaking so bad and was so nervous for some reason...even though it wasn't even our ceremony. My older sister Pauline stood with me and helped calm my nerves.

After we got that, I headed home to change and get ready and my little sister Choco did my make up. I'm not gonna was on point. I was lookin flyyy hahaha
Us and my siblings

The ceremony itself happened pretty fast. Surprisingly, I didn't break into tears but Kovi was on the verge of it...which made my heart smile. Afterwards, my sister in law, Kovi's older sister, Savea, had gotten a photographer for us so we took pictures and that was pretty stressing because no one listened...or I had to yell something like 5 times in a row for them to listen, LOL.

Afterwards, we went to the buffet and even though I only made the reservation for 30 people, which we were over, they graciously had saved half of the dining room for our party so everything turned out okay. Sad thing was I was so tired and worn out that I didn't eat anything at all. INSERT MAJOR SAD FACE because the Wandering Horse Buffet(the one we went to) is by far one of the best casino buffets I have been too.

Overall, despite all the little stressful things, it really was the best day of my life. All of my family(immediate) was there. I married the love of my life. It was pure bliss.

I couldn't be more happier. Now here's some pics from that day.

Us with Mone sidebusting lol

Us with our siblings

Us with my oldest brother, step grandma, aunty, Kovi's brother and sister and dad

Us with my sisters

Love, me.

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